General Leading
Suit 0135, NT 024th
Opening Leading
Against Suit Contract
- 0135
- Trump leads: count (low even, high odd, but preserve the highest spot card except to lead highest of equals)
Against No Trump Contract
- 024th
- Lead A or K
- Honor leads: ace requests unblock or count signal; queen requests jack; highest equal from non-ace sequences and interior sequences
Lead | Vs. Suit | Vs. NT |
King | AK, Kx, KQx | STRONG: AKJTx, KQT9x, etc. |
Queen | QJx, Qx | KQx, KQxx, AQJ, QJx |
Jack | KJT, JTx, Jx | QJxx, JTx |
T | KT9, QT9, T9x, Tx | HJTx, JTxx, AQT9, T9x |
9 | KJ9x, 9x | HT9x, T9xx, A98x, J98x, 9x, AKT9 |
Hi-X | Hi from xx, 3rd from even | 8 from K98x, Q98x, MUD |
Lo-X | Low from odd | 4th best |
Later leading
Against suit contracts:
- Honor leads: king from ace-king; otherwise, highest equal from sequences and interior sequences
- Spot-card leads in opening leader's suit: high from remaining doubleton; low from remaining tripleton
- Spot-card leads in a new suit: Attitude
- Trump leads: count (low even, high odd, but preserve the highest spot card except to lead highest of equals) Against notrump contracts:
- Honor leads: highest equal from sequences and interior sequences
- Spot-card leads in opening leader's suit: original fourth highest
- Spot-card leads in a new suit: attitude
Lead A or K
High level Contract
- Lead A ask for attitude
- Lead K ask for count
When defensing a high level (over 5) contract, we need to cash AK if possible and distinguish the suit count. So when we lead with A, partner must tell us he has K or not. If lead with K, partner must tell us the count so we can decide to cash out or switch.
Partner's suit
(?) We lead 3rd/5th
in partner's suit so he could read our card count.
After Partner's Double
Overcall then Double
Don't lead my suit.
Unusual Double on 3N
Please lead dummy's suit or weird suit.